Co-Creating Descriptors and a Definition for Person- Centred Coordinated Health Care: An Action Research Study

Amanda Phelan*, Daniela Rohde, Gerard Fealy, Patrick Felle, Gabrielle O’kelly, Helen Lloyd, Aine Carroll

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The aim of this study was to co-create a definition and generic descriptors for person-centred coordinated care for Ireland generated from service users’ narratives. An overarching action research approach was used to engage and empower people to tangibly impact health policy and practice. Through focus groups and a qualitative survey, primary data were collected from a national sample of health services users, caregivers and health care service users’ representative groups. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Three major themes were co-produced as essential care elements. These were: ‘My experience of healthcare’, ‘Care that I am confident in’ and ‘My journey through healthcare’. Through an IPPOSI partner project steering group and their membership groups’ contribution, these themes were further refined into a definition of person-centred coordinated care and nineteen related generic descriptors. Key findings demonstrate that within complex, fragmented healthcare systems, the subjective expectations of service users should be integrated into care delivery, with a scaffolding of services to meet service users’ needs between care settings and disciplines and over time.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages0
JournalInternational Journal of Integrated Care
Issue number0
Early online date3 Mar 2021
Publication statusPublished - 3 Mar 2021


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