Bending Analysis of Castellated Beams

S Elaiwi, B Kim, L-Y LI

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Existing studies have shown that the load-carrying capacity of castellated beams can be influenced by the shear stresses particularly those around web openings and under the T-section, which could cause the beam to have different failure modes. This paper investigates the effect of web openings on the transverse deflection of castellated beams by using both analytical and numerical methods and evaluates the shear-induced transverse deflection of castellated beams of different lengths and flange widths subjected to uniformly distributed transverse load. The purpose of developing analytical solutions, which adopted the classical principle of minimum potential energy is for the design and practical use; while the numerical solutions are developed by using the commercial software ANSYS for the validation of the analytical solutions.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages0
JournalAthens Journal of Technology & Engineering
Issue number0
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 10 Oct 2018


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