Análise dos Personagens Brasileiros na Franquia Street Fighter: Identidade e representacao em videogames

Translated title: Analysis of the Brazilian characters from the Street Fighter franchise: Identity and representation in videogames

Rafael Arrivabene, Jose Roberto Cordeiro, Richard Perassi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In the context of postmodernity, individual identity is actively constructed from relations of affection and consumption, such as media consumption. Digital games enable players to express themselves and feel represented through their controllable protagonists. Through a Peircean semiotic analysis of three characters, the present work proposes to investigate the evolution of Brazil and the Brazilian people representation in the Japanese franchise Street Fighter throughout the 30 years of the series. Elucidating at the end how each of these qualifies and symbolizes the Brazilian people from different national characteristics instilled in the foreign imagination
Translated titleAnalysis of the Brazilian characters from the Street Fighter franchise: Identity and representation in videogames
Original languagePortuguese (Brazil)
Pages (from-to)253-274
JournalDefault journal
Issue number37
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jun 2019


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