Accumulation of platinum group elements by the marine gastropod Littorina littorea.

Rachel Mulholland, Andrew Turner*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The accumulation and trophic transfer of the platinum group elements (PGE): Rh, Pd and Pt; have been studied in short-term (5 day) exposures conducted in aquaria containing the marine macroalga, Ulva lactuca, and/or the grazing mollusc, Littorina littorea. Metals added to sea water (to concentrations of 20 μg L⁻¹) were taken up by U. lactuca in the order Rh, Pt > Pd and by L. littorea in the order Pd ≥ Pt ≥ Rh, with greatest metal accumulation in the latter generally occurring in the visceral complex and kidney. When fed contaminated alga, accumulation of Rh and Pd by L. littorea, relative to total available metal, increased by an order of magnitude, while accumulation of Pt was not readily detected. We conclude that the diet is the most important vector for accumulation of Rh and Pd, while accumulation of Pt appears to proceed mainly from the aqueous phase.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)977-982
Number of pages0
JournalEnviron Pollut
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2011


  • Animals
  • England
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Palladium
  • Platinum
  • Rhodium
  • Snails
  • Ulva
  • Water Pollutants
  • Chemical


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