A new photoelastic model for studying fatigue crack closure

MN Pacey, MN James, EA Patterson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The photoelastic analysis of crack tip stress intensity factors has been historically developed for use on sharp notches in brittle materials that idealize the cracked structure. This approach, while useful, is not applicable to cases where residual effects of fatigue crack development (e.g., plasticity, surface roughness) affect the applied stress intensity range. A photoelastic model of these fatigue processes has been developed using polycarbonate, which is sufficiently ductile to allow the growth of a fatigue crack. The resultant stress field has been modeled mathematically using the stress potential function approach of Muskhelishvili to predict the stresses near a loaded but closed crack in an elastic body. The model was fitted to full-field photoelastic data using a combination of a generic algorithm and the downhill simplex method. The technique offers a significant advance in the ability to characterize the behavior of fatigue cracks with plasticity-induced closure, and hence to gain new insights into the associated mechanisms.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)42-52
Number of pages10
JournalExperimental Mechanics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2005


  • photoelasticity in fatigue
  • crack closure
  • effective stress intensity factor
  • Muskhelishvili
  • genetic algorithm
  • downhill simplex method


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