A multidisciplinary perspective on climate model evaluation for antarctica

T. J. Bracegirdle*, N. A.N. Bertler, A. M. Carleton, Q. Ding, C. J. Fogwill, J. C. Fyfe, H. H. Hellmer, A. Y. Karpechko, K. Kusahara, E. Larour, P. A. Mayewski, W. N. Meier, L. M. Polvani, J. L. Russell, S. L. Stevenson, J. Turner, J. M. Van Wessem, W. J. Van De Berg, I. Wainer

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A workshop was organized by Antarctic Climate 21 (AntClim21), with the topic 'evaluation of climate models' representation of Antarctic climate from the perspective of long-term twenty-first-century climate change.' The suggested approach for evaluating whether climate models over- or underestimate the effects of ozone depletion is to diagnose simulated historical trends in lower-stratospheric temperature and compare these to observational estimates. With regard to more regional changes over Antarctica, such as West Antarctic warming, the simulation of teleconnection patterns to the tropical Pacific was highlighted. To improve the evaluation of low-frequency variability and trends in climate models, the use and development of approaches to emulate ice-core proxies in models was recommended. It is recommended that effort be put into improving datasets of ice thickness, motion, and composition to allow for a more complete evaluation of sea ice in climate models. One process that was highlighted in particular is the representation of Antarctic clouds and resulting precipitation. It is recommended that increased effort be put into observations of clouds over Antarctica, such as the use of instruments that can detect cloud-base height or the use of remote sensing resources.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)ES23-ES26
JournalBulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2016

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Atmospheric Science


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