A maturity and palaeoenvironmental assessment of condensates and oils from the North Sumatra Basin, Indonesia

C. J. Matchette-Downes*, A. E. Fallick, Karmajaya, S. Rowland

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Five light oils and condensates from the wells drilled in Lower to Upper Miocene reservoir rocks of the North Sumatra Basin were analysed by gas chromatogrpahy-mass spectrometry and stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry. In conjunction with data from over 1600 well and outcrop samples the results were used to describe the charater of the presumed source rocks in terms of organic matter maturity and palaeoenvironment of deposition. Dominant lacustrine with subordinate ombrogenous raised peat bog palaeoenvironments of deposition are indicated. It is envisaged that raised mires fringed large lakes in the area. Tectonic disturbance probably caused periodic flooding of the swamps and ultimately a complete marine incursion occurred. -from Authors
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)139-148
Number of pages0
JournalGeological Society, London, Special Publications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 1994


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