A combined technological, behavioural and quality systems approach to achieving near zero defect buildings.

Julie Goodhew, Steve Goodhew, Matthew Fox, Joao Alencastro, Gavin Kilip

Research output: Contribution to journalConference proceedings published in a journalpeer-review

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To achieve carbon reduction targets the emissions from buildings need to be near zero. Thermal defects inbuildings pose a significant risk to this goal and contribute to energy performance gaps for space heating. Ahigh-performance building envelope is a fundamental requirement towards meeting emissions targets andproviding comfort and affordable warmth. Defects in design and installation (e.g., discontinuity of insulation,incorrect detailing, incompatible building systems) can lead to high rates of heat loss, structural damage frommoisture build-up and poor user satisfaction. Many defects are invisible upon completion but can be madevisible through the correct use of thermal cameras (thermography). Thermal images can help to improve siteoperatives’ awareness towards defects, due to their visual appeal. The DeViz research project trains and guidessite supervisors, on UK based construction sites, to use thermal cameras at the ‘first fix’ construction stage, whenthere is still time to remedy defects quickly and cheaply. The aim is to provide new, engaging feedback loops toimprove quality control in designing and constructing energy efficient building envelopes and close the designenergy performance gap. DeViz pilots a protocol for overcoming the challenges of; a) achieving the required10oC temperature difference for imaging, in a mid-construction space, b) accessing the site at the midconstruction point where measurements are meaningful (with the potential for cost effective rectification).Acknowledging the reluctance of some construction professionals to focus on what could be perceived as theirmistakes, DeViz, instead frames defect identification as a ‘normal’ pathway towards better quality, rather than‘blaming the operative’. We investigate the acceptance of and potential barriers to this intervention withconstruction professionals, using focus groups and survey methods. We present our learnings to date and discussthe implications for continuous improvement quality systems.
Original languageEnglish
Journaleceee 2021 Summer Study on energy efficiency: a new reality?
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jun 2021
Eventeceee 2021 Summer Study: A new reality - Virtual
Duration: 7 Jun 202111 Jun 2021


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