7 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Dr Ted Robinson with the persons below:
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Adam Bolton
- School of Biological and Marine Sciences - Technical Specialist in Hydrography
Person: Non-Academic
Dr Philip Hosegood
- School of Biological and Marine Sciences - Associate Professor in Physical Oceanography
Person: Academic (Research)
Dr Nicola Foster
- School of Biological and Marine Sciences - Lecturer in Marine Biology
Person: Academic (Research)
Peter Ganderton
- School of Biological and Marine Sciences - Technical Specialist (Marine Science)
Person: Non-Academic
Professor Kerry Howell
- School of Biological and Marine Sciences - Professor of Deep-Sea Ecology
Person: Academic (Research)
Professor Jason Hall-Spencer
- School of Biological and Marine Sciences - Professor of Marine Biology
Person: Academic (Research)