Professor Anne Mather
- School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences - Professor in Geomorphology
Person: Academic (Research)
Dr Martin Stokes
- School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences - Associate Head of School - Graduate Outcomes, Associate Professor in Geological Sciences
Person: Academic (Research)
Dr Matt Telfer
- School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences - Associate Professor of Physical Geography
Person: Academic (Research)
Professor Ralph Fyfe
- Faculty of Science and Engineering - Associate Dean for Research
- School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences - Professor
Person: Academic (Research)
Professor Mathew Upton
- School of Biomedical Sciences - Professor of Medical Microbiology
Person: Academic (Research)
Professor David Gilvear
- School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences - Visiting Specialist, Emeritus Professor
Person: n/a
Professor Sean Comber
- School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences - Visiting Professor
Professor Will Blake
- School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences - Director of the Sustainable Earth Institute, Professor of Catchment Science
Person: Academic (Research)
Dr Claire Kelly
- Peninsula Medical School - Lecturer in Quality Management and Research
- School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences - Senior Research Fellow
Person: Academic (Research)
Dr Gina Kallis
- School of Nursing and Midwifery - Research Fellow
- School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences - Visiting Research Fellow
Person: Academic (Research)
Professor Tom Hutchinson
- School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences - Honorary Professor
Neil Powell
- School of Nursing and Midwifery - Honorary Clinical School Fellow
- School of Biomedical Sciences
Person: Doctoral Student (D00)
Dr Tim Daley
- School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences - Associate Head of School - Strategy, Associate Professor of Physical Geography
Person: Academic (Research)
Tom Mullier
- School of Biological and Marine Sciences - Research Assistant AB
Person: Academic (Research)
R Enever
External person
M. R. Geach
External person
Samantha H. Kearsey
External person
A Reese
External person
R Angel
External person
Bellen S van
External person
P. Garcia-Meneses
External person
External person
Guy Edmonds
External person
T Hooper
External person