Sarah Turton

Sarah Turton


    Profile summary

    I am an Associate Lecturer and PhD researcher in Transtechnology Research, in the School of Art, Design and Architecture at Plymouth University. My research is interested in the role of colour in cultural expression. The research project: Technologies of Soul: Instrumentalisation of Blue explores the question of why the colour blue turns up in some descriptions and expressions of transcendence in contemplation, psychology, philosophy, art and creative practices.  

    Professional memberships

    Roles on external bodies

    Supervised research degrees

    Teaching interests

    Associate Lecturer;
    2023-2024 HTCC521, History, Theory and Critical Context, 5.1, BA (Hons) Architecture. 
    2023-2024 ADA600, Common Dissertation: Critical Practices, BA (Hons) DMD/GAD. 

    Additional information