Rohit is a professor in Neuropsychiatry with University of Plymouth Medical School and director of its Cornwall Intellectual Disability Equitable Research (CIDER) unit He is the Associate Dean for academic training for the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych).
Awarded a MBE (2018) for services to the learning disability community he has national/international awards including the RCPsych team of the year for digital innovation (2023) and intellectual disability (2021), BMJ awards for mental health (2020), Education (2019) Neurology (2016), Innovation (highly commended-2017), ILAE Epileptic Disorders best paper (2017) and Epilepsy Foundation America SUDEP Challenge (2016). He has over 300 index-linked publications/ book-chapters and led/contributed to various national reports. Publications are on He is a consultant in developmental Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Director at Cornwall Partnership NHS FT and deputy chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists faculty for Intellectual disability. His interests are in co-producing translational clinical research in neurodevelopmental/neuropsychiatric disorders, clinical risk management, and use of implementation science for health technology.
Royal College of Psychiatrists
British Medical Association
British Neuro-psychiatric association
International League against Epilepsy
Current positions and ongoing contributions of influence:
Consultant in Adult Developmental Neuropsychiatry – Cornwall Partnership Foundation NHS Trust (2009 – current)
Professor in Neuropsychiatry (Tenured) – Peninsula Medical School University of Plymouth (2021 - onwards)
Associate Dean for Academics - Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych)
Deputy Chair – RCPsych Intellectual Disability faculty (2022-current)
Chair -Cochrane review for pharmaceutical treatments in people with ID (2021- current),Deputy Research and governance Director – CFT (2010 – current), Project management expert - UK Epilepsy Deaths Register – SUDEP Action (2013 –current),Hon. Clinical Associate Professor – Exeter Medical School (2013 - current), Clinical Director – ID services CFT (2016- current), Hon. Fellow Falmouth University (2019 –current),RCPsych international HONOS-LD update committee (2020 – current, ILAE Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Task Force (2021- current),James Lindt Epilepsy Research UK - Priority Setting Partnership project (2021 – current)
Previous positions & experience:
Chair - RCPsych South-west division (2020 -2024), NICE committee for update on Epilepsy guidance (2019 -22), Royal Society of Medicine (ID division) (2020 –2023) RCPsych expert cannabis reference committee (2019-20), Advisory committee National Confidential Enquiry into epilepsy Death (2020-22). Academic Secretary, RCPsych ID faculty (2018-20),Senior Clinical Lecturer-Exeter Medical School (2017-20), LD expert NHS RightCare Epilepsy Toolkit development group (2018-19), RCPsych Neuroscience implementation executive (2016-19),ILAE UK Working group for ID & Epilepsy (2016-17) Health Service Research Board member– NIHR (R&D initiative) (2012-16),Training Programme Director for LD – SW Deanery (2010-13).
Awards &Notable Achievements (48 times finalists in national/international awards)
Awards received (2016-24):
Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) (2018) for services to learning disability
Royal College of Psychiatrists Team of the Year – Digital Team (2023) & Intellectual disability (2021), Medlink Healthcare business awards – academia & industry partnership (2023), BMJ awards – Mental health category (2020), Education (2019), innovation (2017 – highly commended), Neurology (2016) Epileptic Disorders ILAE Educational Prize for best paper (2018),Health Business Awards – Healthcare IT category (2016) EpSMon –1 of 7 National Innovation Accelerator (NIA) Fellowships (2016),HSJ Patient Safety Awards - Education and Training in Patient Safety (2016),Patient Safety in Mental Health (2016), Epilepsy Foundation USA - SUDEP Challenge (2016), NIHR commercial principal investigators Award (2016)
I have led the ID service of Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust as it’s clinical director to be the 1st service in UK to gain the RCPsych accreditation for LD standards in community given for the highest level of care (2024-2026).
Research interests
Relevant Career Achievements and evidence of impact:
·I set up the UK NIHR Ep-ID research register. The goal of the register is to explore newer ASMs in PwID as compared to general population. This register over the last 8 years has collected over 1300 participants and explored six molecules including Epidyolex. There have been 5 papers published related to the Register. The register provides the strongest evidence available on the use of new molecules for PwID and epilepsy
A four year study looking at repeat seizure related ED admissions identified risk factors of social deprivation, mental health concerns, homelessness and substance misuse along with higher levels of premature mortality in the study cohort.
· Along with a colleague I initiated, implemented and co-ordinate a monthly mental health phone in with BBC radio Cornwall from 2010. The average reach is 300,000 people. It has run continuously for over 10 years, delivered 150+ episodes. The significant impact on local community is evidenced - It won the BMJ award for
mental health 2020.
Grants & contracts
Successful grants for research, innovation and educational activities (2019-2024) as CI/co-applicant: £16m
- 2014- current- £778,489/- UK NIHR adopted Ep-ID Register
- 2024-25 - £500,000/- Innovate Biocatalyst award – Neuronostics prognostic clinical study ECLIPSE
- 2024-25- £483,179/- Jazz IIS research grant- CANnabidiol impact on challenging behaviour in Adults with Intellectual Disability with Lennox Gastaut and Dravet syndrome ( CANABID-LD ): a naturalistic case-control study
- 2024-25 - £96,519./- SBRI Healthcare Competition 23 Phase 1 – Child Health
- 2024-25 - £500,000/- SBRI Phase 2 grant for UnEEG impalantation in people with intellectual disabilities
- 2024-25- £349,248/- Innovate biocatalyst – CITADEL Determining the clinical utility of BioEP: a multisite, prospective, RCT study
- 2024-30 - £2,457,224/- NIHR PGfR - Improving quality of life and behaviour that challenges in people with mild to moderate intellectual disability through person-centred solution focused communication (ICONIC)
- 2023-24 - £555,000/- Innovate UK bio-medical Catalyst award – Examine Syndi health technology
- 2023-24 - £65,683/- Baily Thomas Charitable Fund – A novel way to understand and communicate the burden of Antipsychotic Prescribing for Adults across Specialist Intellectual Disability Services in England & Wales
- 2023 - £98,405/- SBRI Healthcare Competition 20 Phase 1
- 2023-27 -£2,578,347/- NIHR program grant Optimising cultural expeRIences for mental health in underrepresented younG people onlINe
- 2023-24 - £89,978/- Baily Thomas Charitable Fund – Anticholinergic burden in older PwID and epilepsy
- 2023-24 -£307,423/- Neuropsychiatric Research Register for PwID and Epilepsy
- 2022-25 - £1,250,000/- EPSRC Network+: Neurotechnology for enabling community-based diagnosis and care
- 2022 -25 - £2,800,000/- NHIR AI grant - DECODE: mapping the challenges and requirements for Data-driven, machinE learning aided stratification and management of multiple long-term COnditions in adults with intellectual DisabilitiE
- 2023 -24 £43,000/- Angelini grant – co-production of neuropsychiatric register
- 2022-25 - £913,894/- ESRC – humanising Healthcare in People with ID
- 2018-25 - £167,000/- LivaNova: factors influencing PWE attendance to ED
- 2021 - £30,000/ - NHS England (SW) rapid review for inpatient commissioning for ID
- 2021- £56,000/- Peninsula CRN integrating research into social care for PwID
- 2021 – £50,000/- NHS England: testbed work to modify EpSMon for PwID
- 2021 - £10,000/- Peninsula CRN – study into equality in research
- 2020 - £150,000/- ERUK: SUDEP & Seizure Checklist pilot
- 2020 – £782,000/- SBRI phase 2: “Brain in Hand”
- 2020 – £865,000/- NIHR AI: Bio-Ep: mathematical marker for seizure diagnosis
- 2020 - £22,153/- Captain Tom Charity: COVID risk stratification in people with ID
- 2019 –£151,199/- NIHR RfPB: Person centred risk communications - what works best for people with epilepsy and their clinicians
2019 - £20,000/- Health Education England: Stress wellbeing app for junior doctors
Other academic activities
I am the lead for the SUDEP and Seizure Safety Checklist ( (2010 to present) to assess record and communicate SUDEP risk. The tool is used by epilepsy clinicians across UK and internationally ( It is converted to a self-empowerment mobile application – EpSMon ( Both tools have been evaluated across health & research communities. They have won the ILAE UK expert led poster 2015, patient safety awards 2016, Health Business Awards 2016, British Medical Journal awards 2016 (Neurology), 2017 * (Innovation) 2019 (Education) and US SUDEP Challenge award 2016 winner(83 applicants/25 countries). It is 1/7 projects selected by NHS England for the National Innovation accelerator programme 2017. A Cochrane review (2016 -CD011792) on SUDEP prevention singles out EpSMon. The RCGP has recommended EpSMon to all 70,000 GP practices through e-module training (2016)for epilepsy management & the BMJ commissioned a CPD module. Both Checklist & EpSMon are part of national epilepsy commissioning ( and NHS RightCare toolkits. A recent NIHR review of emerging epilepsy technology has given the highest rating for EpSMon (page61). Key recent publications of 15 – initiated, implemented and co-ordinate a monthly mental health phone in with BBC radio Cornwall (2010). It has run continuously for 9 years, delivered 105 episodes. The significant impact on local community is evidenced -
Overprescribing/polypharmacy has been recognised to be a significant UK wide problem in people with DD ( An evidence based systemic approach led by me to de-prescribing is being adopted nationally and internationally. Evidence of successes and challenges –
Do not flush your life away a public health campaign to reduce male suicides - care/public-health-cornwall/public-health-campaigns/dont-flush-your-life-away/
I have been the lead for various national projects aimed at a holistic approach for people with DD and epilepsy. This includes identifying and mitigating the national problems, challenges in work force, resources and competency of various stakeholders involved in the care of these complex individuals. These National reports are – reports/management-of-epilepsy-in-adults-with-intellectual-disability-cr203-may-2017 reports/prescribing-anti-epileptic-drugs-for-people-with-epilepsy-and-intellectual-disability-cr206-oct-2017
NHS RightCare national commissioning toolkit & NHS England national epilepsy pathway
Do not flush your life away - campaigns/dont-flush-your-life-away/ finalist for the BMJ Awards 2017.
The Purple Book - Book a tool for self-empowerment and monitoring on psychotropic and anticonvulsant medication for people with ID
I have developed a standardized 30 minute e-learning test to enable trainers across the UK to test their course attendees’ understanding of delivering good care and rescue Midazolam medication. The e-test includes videos to examine the candidate’s ability to identify the practical procedures required in Buccal Midazolam administration with the aim of ensuring the trainee has gained the necessary learning during training. The e- test was created in partnership and consultation with local, regional and national level epilepsy experts, service users, carers and charities. The website was tested for quality standards and is supported as a source to improve patient safety by our stakeholders including the JEC, the International League of Epilepsy UK chapter, SUDEP Action, Epilepsy Action, South West Epilepsy Nurses group, Peninsula Academic Health Science Network and two NHS Trusts. It was formally launched on the 17th September 2013 at the South –West Epilepsy Conference and was shortlisted for the HSJ awards 2014 and national patient safety awards 2015. This has now been adopted by Cornwall Council and reaches all Cornish registered organizations (16000 carers). This model is being looked to being adopted in other parts of the country. I am leading a collaborative of ILAE UK and ESNA to redevelop the National rescue epilepsy guidance.
I have developed a checklist to support safe transfer of patients with ID across regions to address and mitigate some of the concerns raised in the Winterbourne enquiry. This checklist has been approved by the RCPsych executive and is approved as good practice by the National LD senate.
I am a co-developer of the intervention ‘SMART CART’ which has been awarded the internationally acclaimed Medical Futures innovation award (14/06/07).
I helped conceptualize, arrange and organize the mock OSCE now CASC exam (13 continuous stations) for the Part 3 MRCPsych clinical entrants. The mock exam is bi annual and is well received. It caters to all examinees in the South-West region of UK. Places for candidates outside Cornwall are sold at nominal rates and funds generated through this help buffer the Trust CPD budget. This was awarded the Royal College of Psychiatrists (south west division) Innovation award for 2009.
I was successful in acquiring 2 separate £5000 grants from the Peninsula Deanery to help develop training DVDs. The projects have been completed successfully. The first project on CASC DVDs is a well-recognized part of the clinical exam preparation now with sales being nationally and internationally. The money from the sale of DVDs goes towards the Trust continued professional development funds for the Trust doctors. This was awarded the Royal College of Psychiatrists (south west division) Innovation award for 2011 and was ‘highly commended’ at the BMA book awards.
Our new quality of life and communication e- tool ‘Cornwall epilepsy radar’ is being piloted.
A New pathway for consent to assist GPs and easy read for female patients who have learning disability to foster informed choice and communication around oral contraceptive use and antiepileptic medication.
I helped conceptualized mental health podcasts for GPs in Innovait (The RCGP training journal) which is now a regular monthly feature.