Profile summary
Visiting Technical Fellow School of Engineering, Computing & Mathemetics Providing support and advice with regards to the New Babbage Building, including the design and development of the School new SharePoint site for Health & Safety. https://liveplymouthac.sharepoint.com/sites/u67/SitePages/Site%20Home.aspx Following this I was asked to desigh and devolpe Sharepoint Sites for School of Geography, Eart and Enviromental Science https://liveplymouthac.sharepoint.com/sites/u68/SitePages/Site-Home.aspx And the School of Biology & Marine Sciences. https://liveplymouthac.sharepoint.com/sites/u567/SitePages/SiteHome.aspx
School Technical Manager
School of Engineering, Computing & Mathematics
Faculty Physical Resources, Space and Equipment Coordinator
Areas of responsibility include:-
1) Technical Manager
2) School Safety Coordinator
6) School / Faculty Representative on the following committee :
School of Engineering, Computing & Mathematics
Faculty Physical Resources, Space and Equipment Coordinator
Areas of responsibility include:-
1) Technical Manager
- Leading Technical Team within the areas of -
2) School Safety Coordinator
- Responsible for the Health & Safety within the School
- Display Screen Equipment Assessor
- Senior Fire Marshall
- User Administration
- Support for staff and postgraduates when using the HPC.
- Secretary for High Performance Computing Steering Committee
- Working collaboratively with other School Technical Managers to share good practices.
6) School / Faculty Representative on the following committee :
- Faculty Health & Safety Committee
- Campus Activities Update Group
Professional memberships
Member of The Institute of Science and Technology