Research output per year
Research output per year
Pro-Vice Chancellor Teaching and Learning
Director, Pedagogic Reaserch Institute and Observatory (PedRIO)
Professor of Pedagogy and Enterprise, University of Plymouth
Mini Biography
I started my career as an undergraduate geographerat University College London, moved to Bristol as a PHD student and stayed as atemporary lecturer or a year before migrating to Environmental Sciences atTrinity College Dublin, and then via Kingston, to Geography at theUniversity of Leeds in 1985. I moved to University of Plymouth in autumn 2009as Director, The Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Geography,Earth and Environmental Sciences, and a Professor in The School of Geography,Earth and Environmental Sciences. In 2010 I took up the PVC post, and shortlyafterwards the Directorship of the Pedagogic Reaserch Institute and Observatory(PedRIO)
Early research interests in slopes, hydrology and mires have slowly beendominated by moving to focus on learning, teaching and enterprise issues, withparticular emphasis on developing innovative teaching and pedagogical research,and encouraging colleagues to engage in pedagogical research. This led to aNational Teaching Fellowship in 2002, and a Higher Education Academy SeniorTeaching Fellowship in the first round in 2007.
I was Director of the Leeds White Rose Centrefor Excellence in Teaching and Learning of Enterprise (2005-10). Thisproject worked with colleagues in Leeds, Sheffield and York to embedenterprise education across the curricula of all disciplines, and with studentsto develop their practical enterprise skills. As part of this project Ideveloped a suite of enterprise elective modules for undergraduates, developedmaterials for medical students, and created a Masters module for Dentalstudents. WRCETLE-related projects centred on embedding enterprise inLeeds, working with medical colleagues in South Africa, and with InformationScientists in Ethiopia.
Recent research has focused on developinginnovative teaching and pedagogical research particularly at taught masterslevel. In 2010 she led two open educational resources projects funded by HEAcademy / JISC: ‘The Open Fieldwork (OF) Project’; and ‘OpenEducational Resources for Accredited Courses for Teachers in HE EducationalDevelopment’.
Current work includes an edited volume onteaching at masters level and a HEA funded project ‘Evaluating teachingdevelopment in HE: towards impact assessment’.
Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers
Higher Education Research Group, Royal Geographical Society
Association of National Teaching Fellows
British Hydrological Society
2010- HEFCE, Teaching, Quality, and the Student Experience Strategic Committee
2010-11 Higher Education Academy Quality Enhancement Committee, Chair
2010- Learning Exchange Editorial Board
2009- ASIMILATE Assessment Masters Level Project Advisory Board, Leeds Metropolitan University
2006-09 Higher Education Academy, Subject Centre for Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences Advisory Board
2006- National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship (NCGE) International Entrepreneurship Educators Programme, Advisory Board
2005-06 Association of National Teaching Fellows Committee
2004-07 Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers, Inclusion and Diversity Advisory Group
2003-05 Entrepreneurship Skills for Graduates, Steering Group (DFES / LTSN Generic Centre)
2002-05 Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers, Council Member
2002-05 Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers, Education Committee
2002- British Geomorphological Research Group, Education and Outreach Sub-Committee
2001-03 Qualifications and Curriculum Authority. Developing the Geography Curriculum Steering Group
2001-06 Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers, Higher Education Research Group Chairman
2001-04 Institute for Learning and Teaching, Equal Opportunities Committee
2001-03 Royal Geographical Society with Institute of British Geographers, Teacher Training Agency, Regional Planning Group
1993 Alan Howard Modelling cyanobacteria in lakes and reservoirs, with Prof A McDonald, University of Leeds.
1997 Sean Reynolds, Investigations of coloured water in forested catchment environments, with Prof A McDonald, University of Leeds.
1998 Sara Lewis Modelling the form and distribution of peat mires, with Prof MJ Kirkby, University of Leeds.
1996 James Marshall, An investigation of the processes involved in the movement of Cryptosporidial oocysts in large catchments, with Prof A McDonald and Prof D Kay, University of Leeds.
1997 Andrew Skellern, The application of a hydrologically based peat model to forecast global peat change, with Prof MJ Kirkby, University of Leeds.
1998 Joanna Bull, Identifying, developing and assessing undergraduate skills in Geography, with Dr CM Leigh University of Leeds and Prof G Brown.
1996 Katherine Heal, Manganese in soils and runoff in upland catchments, with Prof A McDonald. University of Leeds.
2001 Beasley, G. Modelling the biological impact of metal contaminated runoff from urban sub-catchments
2010 Chaipimonplin, T. Exploring neural network modelling procedures for a monsoon catchment in Thailand, with Dr Linda See. University of Leeds
Current teaching through accredited and non-accredited workshops for academic staff development and CPD in HE. Recent workshops have focused on aspects of enterprise and enterprise learning; intrapreneurship; entrepreneurship; teaching at Masters level; being an enterprising researcher; career management for academics; teaching employability and careers; and personal development planning.
Links to teaching materials from current and previous projects: HEA GEES Subject CentreEnterprise, Skills & Entrepreneurship Resource Pack 2006 See sections
2a) Embedding business start-up in the university curriculum, 33-36
2c) Exploring gender issues in entrepreneurship 43-44
Example B: Verbal business card icebreaker, 79-84
Example C: You are on your own - ice breaker, 85-86
Example D: Two lectures to introduce the concepts of intrapreneurship, 87
Example E: Developing understanding of intrapreneurship and the links to entrepreneurship. An intrapreneur’s story: Education Officer and Senior Ranger, 89
An essay that for good marks needs some personal research, 92-93
Example G: Exploring the motivation and skills of entrepreneurs 95-102
Selling ideas, an enterprising activity for many modules - the elevator pitch, 103-105
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review