
Profile summary

Professor of Analytical Chemistry

Head of the Biogeochemistry and Environmental Analytical Chemistry (BEACh) Research Group

Member of the Biogeochemistry Research Centre (BGC) 

Professional memberships

Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)

Roles on external bodies


1986-1998    Contributing Editor, Trends in Analytical Chemistry (Elsevier Science Publishers).

1987-           Associate Member, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry Division, Commission on General Aspects of Analytical Chemistry (V.1).

1989-1991    Associate Editor and Editorial Board Member, Analytica Chimica Acta (Elsevier Science Publishers).

1990-1995    Senior Editor, Encyclopedia of Analytical Science (published in 1995 by Academic Press).

1991-           Editor, Analytica Chimica Acta (Elsevier Science Publishers).

1993-1996    Editorial Board Member, Measurement Science and Technology (Institute of Physics Journal).

1996-2001    Member of Scientific Committee, Training and Mobility of Researchers, EUCON Environmental Analytical Chemistry.

1996-2010    Honorary Research Associate, BBSRC Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER).

2000-2004    Senior Editor, Encyclopedia of Analytical Science (second edition, published in 2004 by Elsevier Science Publishers).

2000            SCOR Working Group 109, Iron Certification Sub-Committee, Convenor.

2000-2006    Member, EPSRC Electoral College

2000-2006    Member of Governing Body, BBSRC Institute for Grassland and Environmental Research

2002-           International Advisory Board, Journal of Flow Injection Analysis (Japanese Chemical Society) http://aitech.ac.jp/~jafia/english/index.html

2003-2006    Steering Group Member, South West Marine Forum http://www.mba.ac.uk/swmsf/SWMSF.php

2004-           International Advisory Board, Environmental Chemistry (CSIRO, Australia)


2004-2007    Member, Environment Agency Scientific Advisory Panel

2005            Member, EPSRC Chemistry Panel Meeting

2006            Foreign Guest Member, Discussion Group for Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

2006-           Journal Editorial Board of the International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (Taylor and Francis) http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/geac

2008-           Steering Group Member, Division of Analytical Chemistry, The European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS-DAC) http://www.euchems.eu/divisions/analytical-chemistry.html

2009            Member, Quality Peer Review Group, University of Limerick

2009            Member, NERC Pool of Technology Reviewers

2010            Chair, NERC/ACTF Analytical Science and Technology Studentship Assessment Panel.

2011            Chair, NERC/ACTF Analytical Science and Technology Studentship Assessment Panel.

2012            Chair, NERC/ACTF Analytical Science and Technology Studentship Assessment Panel.




1982-1990    Committee Member (Honorary Secretary 1984-1987; Vice Chair 1987-1989; Chair 1989-1990) RSC Analytical Division, North East Region.

1986-1988    Committee Member, RSC North Humberside Section.

1987-1996    Committee Member (Treasurer 1987-1990;  Vice Chair 1990-1992;  Chair 1992-1994), RSC

                   Analytical Division, Molecular Spectroscopy Group.

1989-1991    Council Member, RSC Analytical Division.

1989-1991    Trustee, RSC Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund.

1990-1993    Committee Member, RSC Research Fund.

1991-1993    Committee Member (Vice Chair 1991-1992; Chair 1992-1993), RSC Peninsula Section.

1993-1998    Honorary Auditor, RSC Environmental Chemistry Group.

1996-1998    Council Member, RSC Analytical Division and Trustee, RSC Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund.

1999-2004    Committee Member, RSC Analytical Division, Molecular Spectroscopy Group.

2002            Selection Panel for RSC Industrially Sponsored Award.

2002-2005      Council Member, RSC Analytical Division and Trustee, RSC Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund.

2003-2004      President Elect, RSC Analytical Division.

2003-2005      Committee Member, RSC Environment, Sustainability and Energy Forum.

2004-2006      President, RSC Analytical Division.

2004-2006      Chair of Trustees, Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund.

2004-2008    Committee Member, Federation of European Chemical Societies – Division of Analytical Chemistry.

2004-2006    Trustee, Analytical Methods Trust.

2004-2005    Council Member, RSC.

2004-2006      Committee Member, RSC Science and Technology Board.

2005-2008      Committee Member, RSC Peninsula Section.

2005-2006    Steering Group Member, Chemistry Innovation Knowledge Transfer Network (CIKTN), Analytical and Measurement Sciences (AMS) Platform.

2006-2007    Immediate Past President, Analytical Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

2006-2012    RSC Disciplinary Committee.

2006-2013    RSC Analytical Division Representative, Division of Analytical Chemistry, The European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS).

2008-2010    Chair, RSC Analytical Division, Western Region.

2011-2013    Chair, Division of Analytical Chemistry, The European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS).



·           Using HMS data for the assessment of the trophic status of the Taw Estuary, Water Status Monitoring under the WFD Conference, Lille, France, March 2007.
·           Iron in the oceans – Analytical challenges and environmental consequences, Invited Lecture, 19th NASTEC (Nordic Atomic Spectroscopy and Trace Element Conference), Laugarvatn, Iceland, June 2007.
·           Flow injection coupled with luminescence detection for the analysis of environmental and other matrices, Keynote Lecture, 14th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis (ICFIA 2007) including Related Techniques, Berlin, Germany, September 2007.
·           Grassland, sediments, colloids and phosphorus: an interdisciplinary team approach with the ‘GrasP’ project, The 5th International Phosphorus Workshop (IPW5), Silkeborg, Denmark, September 2007 (C.J.A Macleod, G.S. Bilotta, R. Bol, R.E. Brazier, P.J. Butler, J. Freer, L.J. Gimbert, S.J. Granger, J. Hawkins, T. Krueger, P.S. Naden, G. Old, J.N. Quinton, P. Worsfold, P.M. Haygarth).
·           Characterisation of colloidal material in soil suspensions and agricultural runoff waters, The 5th International Phosphorus Workshop (IPW5), Silkeborg, Denmark, September 2007 (L. Gimbert, P. Haygarth, P. Worsfold).
·           Determination of the factors controlling the dissolution of aerosol iron in seawater by FI-CL detection, Challenger Conference for Marine Science, Galway, September 2007 (M Séguret, S Ussher, E Achterberg, M Nimmo, P Worsfold).
·           Flow injection techniques for investigating the biogeochemistry of dynamic marine environments, Plenary Lecture, 4th Asian-Pacific International Conference on Pollutant Analysis and Control, Beijing, China, October 2007.
·           The potential of modified agricultural practices to mitigate eutrophication events in the Taw Estuary (UK), ERF-Estuarine Research Federation Conference, Providence, RI, USA, November 2007 (G. Maier, A.D. Tappin, G.A. Glegg and P.J. Worsfold).
·           Flow injection techniques for investigating the biogeochemistry of dynamic marine environments, Keynote Lecture, EMEC8, 8th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, Inverness, December 2007.
·           Dissolution of aerosol iron in seawater using FI-CL detection, ASLO, Orlando, Florida, March 2008 (M. Séguret, S.J. Ussher, P.J. Worsfold and M. Nimmo).
·           The corrosion and fate of depleted uranium in coastal sediment during progressively anoxic conditions, 2nd International Nuclear Chemistry Congress, Cancun, Mexico, April 2008 (S. Handley-Sidhu, P.J. Worsfold, M. Keith-Roach).
·           Impact of organic co-contaminant complexation on radionuclide sorption to sand, 2nd International Nuclear Chemistry Congress, Cancun, Mexico, April 2008 (C.C. May, E. Reinoso-Maset, P.J. Worsfold, M.J. Keith-Roach).
·           The corrosion of depleted uranium penetrators in grassland soils, Goldschmidt 2008, Vancouver, Canada, July 2008 (S. Handley-Sidhu, P.J. Worsfold, M. Keith-Roach).
·           Impact of organic co-contaminant complexation on Th sorption to sand, Goldschmidt 2008, Vancouver, Canada, July 2008 (C.C. May, P.J. Worsfold, M.J. Keith-Roach).
·           Radionuclides, organic complexing agents and solid phases: Exploring their interactions, Goldschmidt 2008, Vancouver, Canada, July 2008 (E. Reinoso-Maset, P.J. Worsfold, M.J. Keith-Roach).
·           Flow injection techniques for investigating the biogeochemistry of dynamic aquatic environments, Invited Lecture, DanSAK 9 (Danske Symposium i Analytisk Kemi), Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2008.
·           Physical and chemical factors impacting upon the dissolution of aerosol iron in seawater, ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Nice, France, January 2009 (M. Séguret, S.J. Ussher, P.J. Worsfold and M. Nimmo).
·           Eutrophication and ammonia inhibition in the Taw Estuary, SW England, ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Nice. France, January 2009 (G. Maier, M.M. Ripoll Matas, A.D. Tappin, G.A. Glegg and P.J. Worsfold).
·           Effect of turbulence on phosphorus release from estuarine sediment, ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Nice, France, January 2009 (J. Zhao, A.D. Tappin, M. Keith-Roach, I.D. McKelvie, M. Fitzsimons, A. Manning and P.J. Worsfold).
·           Flow injection techniques for investigating the biogeochemistry of dynamic aquatic environments, University of Vigo Research Seminar, Vigo, Spain, May 2009.
·           A novel solid phase preconcentration method using gold coated silica for the determination of mercury in river waters by atomic fluorescence spectrometry, International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP 2009), Guiyang, China, June 2009 (K. Leopold, M. Foulkes and P.J. Worsfold).
·           Rapid analytical techniques for monitoring the impact of nutrients on water quality, Plenary Lecture, Pan African Chemistry Network – Sustainable Water Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, August 2009.
·           Flow injection techniques for investigating the biogeochemistry of dynamic marine environments, Keynote Lecture, Euroanalysis 15, Innsbruck, Austria, September 2009.
·           Catalytically active gold collector for the preconcentration and determination of total dissolved mercury in natural waters, Euroanalysis 2009, Innsbruck, Austria, September 2009 (K. Leopold, A. Zierhut, M. Schuster, M. Foulkes and P.J. Worsfold).
·           Flow injection with chemiluminescence detection for the determination of total dissolved cobalt in open ocean water, Flow Analysis XI, Mallorca, Spain, September 2009 (R. Shelley, B.Zachhuber, M. Lohan and P.J. Worsfold).
·           A spectrophotometric flow injection method with sequential extraction for the determination of organic phosphorus species in natural waters, Flow Analysis XI, Mallorca, Spain, September 2009 (P. Monbet, I.D. McKelvie and P.J. Worsfold).
·           Flow based analytical techniques as tools for water quality assessment, PACCON, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, January 2010, (I.D. McKelvie, P.S. Ellis, B. Gentle, M.R. Grace, P. Cook, P.A. Faber and P.J. Worsfold).
·           The analytical challenges in oceanic iron biogeochemistry, Invited Lecture. Analysdagarna 2010, Uppsala, Sweden, June 2010.
·           Flow injection techniques for investigating nutrient biogeochemistry in dynamic aquatic environments, Environmental Chemistry Masterclass, Maynouth, Ireland, June 2010.
·           Marine nutrient dynamics in turbid estuaries – a case study of the Seine Estuary, France, 14th Biennial Challenger Conference for Marine Science, Southampton, September 2010. (E.L. Pidduck, R. Verney, A.J. Manning, M.F. Fitzsimons, A.J. Souza and P.J. Worsfold).
·           Investigating processes that control aerosol iron dissolution in the sub-tropical Atlantic Ocean, 14th Biennial Challenges Conference for Marine Science, Southampton, September 2010. (S. Ussher, K. Buck, P. Sedwick, M. Lohan, P. Worsfold, T. Knap).
·           Ultra-trace determination of plutonium in coral samples using multi-collector ICP-MS, 11th International Symposium on Environmental Radiochemical Analysis, Chester, September 2010. (P. Lindahl, M. Keith-Roach and P.J. Worsfold).
·         Flow injection techniques for investigating the biogeochemistry of dynamic aquatic environments, Bermuda Institute for Ocean Research (BIOS) Research Seminar, Bermuda, March 2011.
·         Flow injection techniques for investigating the biogeochemistry of dynamic aquatic environments, Plenary Lecture, 34th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society, Florianopolis, Brazil, May 2011.
·         Sources of plutonium to the tropical Northwest Pacific Ocean since the mid-20th century: a natural coral archive, Japan Geoscience Union International Symposium, Chiba, Japan, May 2011. (P. Lindahl, R. Asami, Y. Iryu, P.J. Worsfold, M. Keith-Roach and M.S. Choi).
·         Effect of climate change driven sea water intrusion on the mobilisation of Tc(VI) from reduced sub-surface sediments, Goldschmidt 2011, Prague, August 2011. (J. Eagling, P.J. Worsfold, G. O’Sullivan and M. Keith-Roach).
·         The influence of co-contaminant complexing agents on radionuclide environmental behaviour, Invited Lecture, Goldschmidt 2011, Prague, August 2011. (M. Keith-Roach, E. Reinoso-Maset, C. May, L. Young and P.J. Worsfold).
·         Flow injection with chemiluminescence detection as a tool for investigating the aquatic environment, Keynote Lecture, Euroanalysis 16, Belgrade, Serbia, September 2011.
·         Investigating trace element speciation in the marine environment using chemical separation strategies combined with spectrometric detection, 4th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Prague, August 2012.
·           flow injection techniques with spectrometric detection for studying marine trace element biogeochemistry, plenary lecture, 1st international conference on analytical chemistry, targoviste, romania, september 2012
·           investigating the chemistry of the oceans using flow injection with luminescence detection, keynote lecture, flow analysis xii, thessaloniki, greece. (paul worsfold, simon ussher, rachel shelley, marie séguret, neil wyatt, patricia cabedo-sanz, robert clough, malcolm nimmo, maeve lohan). 
·         investigating the chemistry of the oceans using flow injection analysis, invited lecture, royal australian chemical institute r&d topics 2012, geelong, australia, december 2012.



Supervised research degrees

Total completions - 55 PhD, 2 MPhil

Since 2007

A. Milne (University of Plymouth) “Marine biogeochemistry studies of iron and hydrogen peroxide using flow injection-chemiluminescence”.

M. Orif (University of Plymouth) “The impacts of atmospherically derived metals on coastal marine systems”.


C. Money (University of Plymouth) “Trace metal chemical speciation and acute toxicity to Pacific oyster larvae”.
R. Tuckwell (MPhil) (University of Plymouth) “Flow analysis techniques for the determination of nutrients in natural waters”.


S. Handley-Sidhu (University of Plymouth) “The biogeochemical controls on the corrosion and fate of depleted uranium”.

M.J. Séguret (University of Plymouth) “Dissolution of aerosol iron in seawater using flow-injection with chemiluminescence detection”.

G. Maier (University of Plymouth) “Nutrients and eutrophication in the Taw Estuary”.

C. May (University of Plymouth) “The impact of co-contaminant chelating agents on the speciation, sorption and migration of actinides”.


J. Zhao (University of Plymouth) ”Transformations of organic and inorganic phosphorus in estuarine particle – water systems.”

E. Reinoso-Maset (University of Plymouth) “Aqueous and solid phase interactions of radionuclides with organic complexing agents”


R.A. Shelley (University of Plymouth) “Cobalt biogeochemistry in the Atlantic Ocean using flow injection-chemiluminescence”
A.J.M. Turner (Plymouth University) “Diffuse minewater pollution: Quantification and risk assessment in the Tamar catchment”.
J. Eagling (Plymouth University) “The effect of sea level rise on radionuclide mobility at contaminated nuclear sites”.


Teaching interests


Analytical Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry

Environmental Science

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 2 - Zero Hunger
  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action
  • SDG 14 - Life Below Water
  • SDG 15 - Life on Land
  • SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals


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