Professional memberships
American Society of Criminology
British Society of Criminology
Honour Abuse Rsearch Matrix (HARM)
Profile summary
Narissa has an MSc in Criminology where she explored the legal systems within law enforcement in the United Kingdom and the continued struggle victims and potential victims face in being protected against 'so-called honour-based violence and abuse'.
Teaching interests
Honour-Based Violence
Gender-Based Violence
Hate Crime
Global Terrorism
Religious Ideologies and Terrorism
Domestic Violent Extremism (UK & USA)
Human Trafficking
Sexual Explotation
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Academic qualifications
15 Social sciences, Other higher degree (e.g. Masters degree), Is the Legal System and Law Enforcement in the United Kingdom Failing to Protect Potential Victims of Honour Crimes?, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business
Sept 2019 → Jul 2020
Award Date: 16 Nov 2020
15 Social sciences, First Degree, 'In The End Is My Beginning' A Study of the Trial and Execution of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business
Sept 2017 → Jul 2019
Award Date: 5 Sept 2019
Research Interests
- Honour-Based Violence
- Honour Killings
- Global Terrorism
- Hate Crime
- Jihadist Hegemonic Masculinities
- Religious Ideologies & Terrorism