UK Delegate to the United Nations World Ocean Assessment and Coordinating Author (2018–present).
Immediate Past President, British Phycological Society (2022-2024).
School Academic Liason Coordinator between Plymouth University and Newquay's Cornwall College (2014–present).
Ocean Acidification international Reference User Group (2013–present).
PhD 2004 Nick Kamenos, Recruitment of commercial species to maerl.
MRes 2006 Hayley Miles, Effects of ocean acidification on the sea urchin Psammechinus miliaris.
MRes 2008 Emma Ransome, Effects of ocean acidification on intertidal organisms.
Diploma Thesis 2008 Tina Kerby, Seamount fisheries (Erasmus from Kiel,Germany).
MSc 2008 Katie Wanner-Halder, Gorgonian calcification.
MRes 2008 Gemma Veneruso, Gorgonian genetics.
MRes 2008 Amanda Hopes, Transformation systems in coccolithophores.
PhD 2008 Jayme Lohr, Viral disease in corals.
MRes 2009 Samantha Ottolangui, Calcification in coccolithophores.
MRes 2009 Rebecca Lumbis, Effects of marine fisheries closures in SW England 1990-2007.
MRes 2009 Maria Rousou, Seasonality in fisheries discards in Cyprus.
MRes 2010 Thomas Hinman, Ecological niche modelling of seagrass in the UK.
MRes 2012 Matthew Keys, Coccolithophore culture experiments.
MRes 2012 Sarah Heath, pH homeostasis in marine phytoplankton.
MRes 2012 Giuseppe Sauria, Amphipods along pCO2 gradients (Erasmus from Ancona, Italy).
PhD 2012 Vivienne Johnson, Effects of increasing CO2 on microalgae.
PhD 2014 Grazyna Durak: silification mechanisms in algae.
MRes 2015 Ro Allen: marine invertebrate settlement and recruitment on a tropical coral reef.
PhD 2015 Cecilia Baggini: benthic ecology of volcanic seeps off Methana, Greece.
MRes 2016 Alessandra Washbourn: how to control crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks.
PhD 2016 Laura Pettit: effects of CO2 on foraminifera.
MRes 2017 Mariano Peruzzo: a new species of Southern Ocean diatom.
PhD 2017 Joy Smith, demersal coral reef zooplankton, Papua New Guinea.
PhD 2017 Maria Campbell: fisheries, marine conservation, marine renewable energy and displacement.
PhD 2017 Bryony Pearce: The ecology of Sabellariaspinulosareefs
MRes 2018 James Scott: zooplankton along CO2 gradients off Sicily
PhD 2018 Anaelle Lemasson:Ocean acidification and warming impacts on native andnon-native shellfish
PhD 2018 Amrit Kumar Mishra: Global change effects on seagrass ecosystems
PhD 2019 Demetris Kletou: Human impacts on oligotrophic marine ecosystems, case studies from Cyprus.
I lead one Foundation Year module and four second year undergraduate modules and teach on the BSc Marine Biology, BSC Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology, BSc Marine Biology and Oceanography, BSc Conservation Biology, MRes Marine Biology, MSc Aquaculture, MSc Marine Conservation MSc Applied Marine Science Programmes.
Current Research Group Dr Lucia Porzio, Ass Prof macroalgae.
Dr Lina Rassmusson PDRA effects of Arctic melting on algae
Lucas Nunes PhD candidate: fish trophic groups in Brazil
Example MSc/BSc Student dissertations supervisedLewis Ashton: invasive polychaetes in Plymouth Sound
Patrick Adkins: response of mussels to predatory crabs off Chile
Jake Jefford: sand-blast effects of severe storms on intertidal life off Devon
Abi Miller: non-native and native kelp epiphytes
Ben Peace-Herbert: invasive mussels around London
Toby Russell: effects of TBT on shipwreck fauna
Nicholas Shell: as seaweeds take over coral reefs are toxic algal blooms more likely?
James Thomas: Using
Callionymus lyrato investigate changes in diet with fish size and habitat
Melisa Vural: The ecology of a common intertidal starfish of Chile.
Livia Sinagaglia: copepod parasites of
Osilinus spp.
Giulia La Bianca: deep-sea crinoids of the NE Atlantic
Neil Thorp: modelling the distribution of Undaria off SW England
Marios Papapgeorgiou: polychaete predation on corals off Cyprus
Nathalie Thompson: filtration rates in
Crepidula fornicataCameron Clark: bryozoans in Plymouth Sound
Christopher Taylor: the effects of ocean acidification on Japanese microgastropods
Eleanor Picard: Effects of tourism on the marine ecology of a north Cornwall beach
Xavier Stow: disturbance effects of a tropical cyclone
Emily-Beth Millett: Effects of CO2 on coral symbionts
Felix de Wattipont:
Turitella communisshell ecology
Rob Van Ree: Holkam Nature Reserve salt marsh carbon stores
Emily Stevenson: fauna found on strandline macroplastics
Suse Rolfe: extent on invasive seaweed spread in North Devon
James O'Williams: Oxybenzone on tropical coral reefs
Holly Morgan working on sea urchins in Japan
Phoebe Baker working on ocean acidification in Japan
Honey Bowker: metals in fauna around CO2 seeps in Dominica
Emily Murphy-Gray: lionfish in Cyprus
Barry Pettifor: seaweed irridesence
Jacques Swain: lionfish otolith analyses
Meg Atkinson: Plymouth Sound zooplankton dynamics
Maddy Entrekin: coral ecology
Vicky Goodier: photoquadrats off Cyprus
Daisy Jauncy: lionfish diet
Amy Linscott: anemone spatial distribution
Jess Miller: Drupella coral infection in the Philippines
Chris rogers: coral disease in the Caribbean Haydn Lewis: Maerl beds in Wester Ross Ella Price-Jones: Faunal diversity of amerl beds Aidan Clancy: Lionfish ecology in their native range Lucy Kitchen: Seagrass microbiota in the Fal estuary Luke Perry: Marine invasive species irradication in Sussex Verity Baulch: Fucoid diversity patterns in SW England
Placement StudentsAlexander Holdgate: Sustainable fisheries management in Norway
Ho Jiaxuan working on phytoplankton in Taiwan
Emily Millet working on corals in Australia
Emma Cox working on lionfish invasion in Honduras
Lucy Dunlop: climate gasses PML
Kyra Walton: placement with MER, Cyprus Jessia Hibbert: Thai Department of Marine & Coastal Resources monitoring Grace Lennon: Crown of thorn starfish in the Phillipines Billy Sale: Lionfish ecology in Belize Mariko Shiel: Efeects of ocean acidification, Shimoda Marine Research Centre, Japan
Conferences, workshops & external teaching events Invited lecture ‘Effects of CO2 on seabed habitats’ an international monthly Seabed Habitats Seminar Series 26 Jan 2021
www.seabedhabitats.org lecture to the Biology Society of India ‘Ocean acidification in Asia’ 15 Jan 2021 Fisheries Day interview 21 Nov 2020 ecological effects of ocean acidification. Invited Public Lecture. The Linnaean Society of London, 27 Feb 2020. Capturing Our Coast. Invited Public Lecture. Marine Biological Association of the UK, Plymouth 13 Feb 2020.
Royal Society MP-Scientist pairing scheme participant 2004-5 (paired with David George Lib. Dem. MP covering fisheries)
Royal Society Civil service-Scientist pairing scheme participant 2008 (paired with Jo Myers DEFRA covering biodiversity)