Profile summary
Hannah qualified at Glasgow Caledonian University with a BSc Orthoptics in 2000. She worked as a specilaist in the area of neuro ophthalmology and paediatrics. She went on to train as a Lead Clinical tutor and designed, organised and implemented a professional course for doctors in Ophthalmology.
Hannah moved to Plymouth in 2007 where she started her role as Lead Clinical Tutor and Deputy Head Orthoptist at Torbay Hospital. Her roles includes
- Neuro Ophthalmology
- Casualty patients
- Paediatric Ophthalmology
- Thyroid Eye Disease
- Adult Ocular Motility clinics
- Extended role in Medical Retina
- AHP Lead in Diabetic Retinopathy
- Lead Clinical Tutor
- Vision Screening Manager
- Lead of Specific Learning Difficulties
- Work based assessment training for varied multi professionals
- Ophthalmic Practitioner Training departmental lead
In 2013 Hannah started working at University of Plymouth undertaking the role of Binocular Vision Clinical tutor in Optometry. This role includes clinical sessions with 3rd year Optometry students and patients implementing clinical based practice using an evidence based approach
In 2014 Hannah completed a postgraduate certificate in Medical Retina at Cardiff University. In 2022 she completed my professional higher certificate in Medical Retina with Moorfields and UCL.
In 2021 Hannah accepted the exciting opportunity of a new job role at the University as Postgraduate Lead in Optometry (joint). This roles primary objective was to design and implemented an MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice in Ophthalmology ready for the first cohort in Sept 2022.
Professional memberships
HCPC Registration - Orthoptist
BIOS membership
Roles on external bodies
BIOS CAG - Medical Retina and glaucoma
BIOS CAG - Vision Screening
BIOS CAG - Clinical Tutors
BIOS CAG - Specific Learning Difficulties