Member of the University’s Senior Leadership Team responsible for the strategic development, co-ordination and implementation of University-wide policies and initiatives in educational development underpinned by pedagogic research. Line management and budgetary responsibility for Teaching and Learning Support team (TLS). National TEF assessor and member of the subject panel for social sciences, coordinating institution-wide preparations at the for subject-level TEF. I lead the institutional provision accredited by Advance HE (PGCAP, TDF and APA), manage the National Teaching Fellowship application process, organise external and internal conferences and events, and co-ordinate Research-informed Teaching and Pedagogic Research through the Pedagogic Research Institute and Observatory (PedRIO). I chair the PedRIO steering group, manage organisation and planning of events,and oversee reporting.
Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA)
National Teaching Fellow
- Panel member for Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) Subject-level pilot (Social Sciences)
- Selected assessor for the UK Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)
- Consultant for Teacher Education MOOC funded by Ministry of Education, China
- Member of the SAGE Pedagogy Advisory Board, UK
- Educational Consultant for Eurasia University, Xi'an, China
- Steering group member, Learning Enhancement and Development Educational Research Centre, City University, London
- Member of the Editorial Board of Environmental Education Research.
- Member of the Editorial Board of Sustainability 2016 onwards
- Member of the Editorial Board of Methodological Innovations On line
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 2008-2015
- Member of the Editorial Board of Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 2012-2015
- International Editorial Board member for the HETL Review (
- Associate Editor, International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability
- Member of Heads of Educational Development Group (HEDG) committee 2012-2015
- Member then co-chair of SEDA (Staff and Educational Development Association) Research Committee 2011-2015
- Member of Strategic Research Group: Natural England Learning in Natural Environments group
- Member of the development group for the QAA/ HEA Publication: Education for Sustainable Development - Guidance for UK higher education providers
- Member of HEA steering group: Shifting landscapes: meeting the staff development needs of the changing academic workforce
- Critical friend for HEFCE Sustainability and Quality project (led by Professor Daniella Tilbury, University of Gloucester)
- Critical friend for JISC OER (OMAC) project (led by Dr Helen King, University of Bath)
Reviewer for:
- ESRC Research bids
- Leverhulme research bids
- HEA doctoral programme
- HEA National Teaching Fellowship Scheme
- British Educational Research Journal
- Journal of Curriculum Studies
- Cambridge Journal of Education
- Studies in Higher Education
- Higher Education Research and Development
- International Journal of Academic Development
- Journal of Environmental Management
- Journal of Environmental Education
- Research in Learning Technology
- Sustainability
- Teaching and Learning Inquiry
- Acta Academica
- Science and Education
- Universal Access in the Information Society
- ASCILITE conference, 2007, 2008
- International Consortium for Educational Development conference, 2014
- World Environmental Education Congress, 2015
- European Conference on Education Research, 2015
- Book proposal reviewer for Open University Press
Book reviews:
Rhetoric and educational discourse: persuasive texts? Studies in Higher Education 30 (3): 362-364 June 2005
Contemporary perspectives in e-learning research. Studies in Higher Education 33 (1): 105-106 February 2008
Specialist teaching areas include:
Pedagogic Research - especially action research, qualitative methods and writing for publication
Teaching-research nexus - links between teaching and research; developing undergraduate research
Research Management - ethical issues; peer review; quality and impact of research; managing a research team
Education for Sustainable Development - sustainability pedagogies; teaching controversial issues; informal learning and the hidden curriculum
Teaching awards:
University Teaching Fellow, 2009, 2010, 2014 National Teaching Fellow, 2015
Current PhD Students: Sally Hanks - Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry Jamie Read - Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry
Research degrees awarded to supervised students: PhD Dr Ciaran O'Sullivan - Faculty of Arts and Humanities PhD Dr Sally Abey - Faculty of Health and Human Sciences PhD Dr Cathy Schofield - Faculty of Science and Environment PhD Dr Derek Dodd - Faculty of Arts and Humanities
External examining: 2012 University of Huddersfield, UK - EdD external examiner
2014 Deakin University, Australia - PhD external examiner
2015 RMIT, Australia - PhD external examiner
2016 Bradford University, UK - PhD external examiner
2016 James Cook University, Australia - PhD external examiner
2017 London South Bank University - EdD external examiner
2017 Bristol University - EdD external examiner
2017 Swansea University - PhD external examiner
2018 Kent University - PhD external examiner
2019 Lancaster University - PhD external examiner