Current Roles Plymouth Institute of Health and Care Research (PIHR) Manager I am responsible for supporting the strategic development and coordination of this exciting new research institute. This includes encouraging and facilitating cross-disciplinary research, across the institute's diverse membership, alongside collaboration with both academics and non-academic stakeholders in other institutions. It also involves promoting the very impressive and impactful research undertaken by our members and attracting funding to build on this work.
Senior Researcher - Plymouth Health Determinants Research Collaboration
Alongside my existing job as PIHR Manager I am working as a part-time researcher-in-residence on the new Plymouth City Council led Health Determinants Research Collaboration, which the University of Plymouth is the academic lead for. This exciting project, which is one of 10 across the UK awarded funding by the NIHR, aims to embed a culture of evidence-based decision-making in local authorities to help address the wider social determinants of health inequalities.
Previous Roles
ESF Delivery Project Manager, Academic Partnerships, University of Plymouth, March 2018 - December 2020
I was responsible for managing the University of Plymouth elements of four European Social Fund projects. This included two Hidden Talent projects delivered in the areas of Devon (including Torbay and Plymouth) and Somerset respectively, aimed at engaging, promoting and supporting the delivery of higher education to people from groups who are otherwise unlikely to access HE. In addition it included two Strategic Employer Engagement projects, in the same two areas, which aimed to develop provision which is more reflective of employer needs.
Research Institute Manager, Faculty of Business, University of Plymouth, June 2016 - February 2018 One of my main roles was setting-up and managing the new Institute for Social, Policy and Enterprise Research (iSPER) which involved working with an encouraging cooperation between academics from different disciplines, as well as engaging with key stakeholders and businesses. In addition, I also led on a number of other elements of Faculty research activity, including working on research proposals, managing faculty internal funding opportunities and organising and coordinating the internal and external review of outputs in preparation for the next Research Excellence Framework.
Research Assistant, SERIO, University of Plymouth, June 2015 - June 2016
This role involved managing and delivering a portfolio of applied research projects and working the rest of the team to secure additional work. Specific duties included: managing and delivering applied research projects for a range of clients, including Devon County Council, Innovate UK and Cornwall Innovation; business development and proposal writing; and line management.
Research Manager, SERIO, University of Plymouth, October 2014 - June 2016
Responsible for managing applied research projects for such clients as NESTA/ Arts Council England and Community Housing Aid. Acted as lead researcher for the Evaluation of Superfast Cornwall and wrote the final project report. Also responsible for business development, proposal writing and line management.
Research Assistant, SERIO, University of Plymouth, May 2011 - October 2014
Responsible for delivering applied social, economic and market research projects for a range of clients. Duties included: project management; survey design; data collection; analysis and report writing.
Equality Development Officer, Equality South West, June 2008 - March 2011
Responsible for project managing a South West RDA funded migrant workers project and leading on human rights and age equality issues. Activities included: research; policy advice; event planning and organisation; reporting on project progress to the client; network facilitation and training delivery.
Policy Assistant, South West Regional Assembly, January 2007 - June 2008
Responsible for producing responses to government consultations (e.g. concessionary fares), developing the corporate communications (including drafting articles for the monthly ebulletin) and supporting the development of policy on Roma Gypsy and Traveller sites and migrant worker issues.