Andrew Webber

Mr Andrew Webber


    Profile summary

    As a lecturer within Plymouth's paramedic science team, Andrew is primarily responsible for promoting high standards of learning for pre-registrant paramedic students. His role includes developing students' practical skills (eg. physical exam techniques and resuscitation), alongside fostering other important skills (eg. clinical decision-making, critiquing and utilising evidence to improve practice). He is also responsible for developing registrant paramedics who choose to undertake post-registration study at Plymouth.

    Before joining the university in 2013, Andrew worked with the local NHS ambulance service. He began as an ambulance care assistant in 1999, qualified as an ambulance technician in 2002 and then as a paramedic in 2005. Whilst working in the NHS, Andrew completed a BSc(Hons) in emergency care, before undertaking an MSc in health & social care research.

    In 2018, Andrew adopted a part-time role with the university, which has enabled him to practise with a GP network in Plymouth for two days each week. During Andrew’s time in his primary care role, he has completed the Health Education England Centre for Advancing Practice accredited MSc in advanced clinical practice and become an independent prescriber (for more on paramedic independent prescribing, visit the College of Paramedics' site).

    When able, Andrew continues to practise in the NHS ambulance service as a paramedic. He also practises within the private sector, working on festival sites and sporting events such as horse racing and motorsports.

    As recognised in Hampton's (2003) 'Guidelines - for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men' piece, not all patients 'fit' into guidelines. Andrew has a keen interest in using evidence, pragmatism and patient choice to support individual patient's unique situations. 

    Andrew’s clinical interests include older people's care, advanced care planning and palliative care. He also has interests in clinical education; and, supporting colleagues to learn from their HCPC fitness to practise cases

    Professional memberships

    Roles on external bodies

    Andrew is the admission tutor for the Paramedic Science programmes.
    He is also a member of the School of Health Professions' Professional Issues Committee, which assesses applicants' suitability to enter healthcare programmes.  As well as responsibilities within the University of Plymouth, Andrew has acted as an external-examiner for other BSc(Hons) & DipHE paramedic programmes, supported the College of Paramedics' curriculum guidance for UK paramedics and acts as a reviewer for Health and Care Research Wales (formally the National Institute for Social Care and Health Research: NISCHR).

    Andrew continues to consult for non-NHS UK ambulance services to improve their governance measures, with a particular interest in medicines governance.

    Andrew continues to practise as an NHS ambulance paramedic, undertaking an average of 200-300 hours annually in this role (last practised in June 2024). As well as practising as an ambulance paramedic, Andrew undertakes ~1,000 hours of clinical practice in his primary care each year.

    Supervised research degrees

    Andrew's postgraduate research examined the use of naloxone for opioid overdose within one UK ambulance service. He remains interested in the areas of substance misuse and harm-reduction. His more recent areas of research interest include older people's care and palliative care.

    Andrew acts as a research supervisor for students at Plymouth. He has supervised several undergraduate projects, including:

    • survey of students' preparedness to practise
    • an observational study comparing handling techniques to limit hip movement
    • observational study examining inter-rater reliability of the FLACC pain score between student paramedics and student paediatric nurses
    • cross-over trial comparing the efficacy of commercial and ad hoc tourniquets to arrest low limb circulation
    • cross-over trial comparing the effect of patient gender on AED pad placement by untrained responders
    • systematic review examining the efficacy of prehospital clopidogrel administration
    • observational study examining test-retest reliability of tympanic thermometers
    • focus group examining student paramedics' preparedness for practice
    • survey of students' responses to medication errors
    • observational study examining the effect of rescuer body weight on the rate and depth of simulated chest compressions
    • survey examing student paramedics' confidence and competence in interpreting electrocardiograms (ECGs)

    He also supervises students planning and undertaking research in partial fulfilment of postgraduate awards at Plymouth. Research titles include:

    • Helicopter versus ambulance transport of patients with an ST-elevation myocardial infarction: A retrospective comparison of call-to-balloon times
    • How often do paramedics miss flail chests? An audit of one NHS ambulance service
    • Can prehospital clinicians accurately identify patients with pelvic fractures? A retrospective analysis of clinical records within one HEMS group

    Teaching interests

    Andrew's teaching interests include developing paramedic students' core knowledge (particularly of pathophysiology and pharmacotherapies), clinical examination skills (eg. assessment of core body systems using the traditional medical models) and cognitive skills (eg. clinical decision making, analysis of ECGs).

    He is keen to support traditional lecture teaching with alternative learning approaches, including: workbooks to promote active learning (eg. directing learners to academic papers of interest, encouraging learners to seek answers to clinical scenarios, etc); technology assisted interactive sessions (eg. using Turning Point audience response system); video-sessions (eg. theory sessions or practical skills demonstrations); and, problem-based learning, with learners working together to identify barriers/drivers to real-world clinical challenges.

    Andrew also has a keen interest in providing formative feedback to support development. Alongside formative feedback offered during practical teaching sessions, Andrew's theory sessions involve a range of activities to promote formative assessment and feedback.

    Andrew was nominated for an 'Inspirational Teacher of the Year Award' in 2022 with the following feedback:
    'Andrew is hard working, he is always reassuring and I feel I could go to him with anything to which he would support all. He is an inspiration and has a vast amount of knowledge he is willing to share with all students. He cleverly lays out his presentations in a way that helps all who attend his lectures. He inspires all to be the best paramedics possible all while smiling and having a charming charisma. If someone is struggling to understand anything in their practice, he finds a way to help them understand. He has an amazing attitude and will always make the time for us. Thank you Andrew. You’re one of a kind!'

    Academic qualifications

    HEE accredited First Contact Practitioner roadmap supervisor (RMSV)


    Award Date: 10 Jan 2023

    MSc Advanced Professional Practice (Clinical Practitioner), distinction, University of Plymouth


    Award Date: 23 Nov 2022

    PgCert Academic Practice, University of Plymouth


    Award Date: 21 Nov 2014

    MSc Health and Ssocial Care Research, distinction, University of Sheffield


    Award Date: 11 Nov 2013

    BSc(Hons) Emergency Care, first class, University of Plymouth


    Award Date: 7 Dec 2010

    External positions

    Paramedic (primary care), Pathfields Medical Group

    2018 → …

    Specialist paramedic, Alliance Pioneer Group (APG)

    2010 → …

    Paramedic, South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

    2005 → …

    Ambulance technician, Westcountry Ambulance Services NHS Trust


    Ambulance care assistant, Westcountry Ambulance Services NHS Trust
