- 200 - 250 out of 1,926 results
Search results
Dr Emma Blundy
- Peninsula Medical School - Deputy Lead for Jigsaw and Small Groups (Reflective Practice)
Person: Academic (Teaching)
Jo Boote
- School of Nursing and Midwifery - Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing
Person: Academic (Teaching)
Dr Adrian Bourne
- Peninsula Medical School - Honorary Clinical Small Group Facilitator (Medicine)
Professor Laura Bowater
- Peninsula Medical School - Head of Peninsula Medical School
Person: Academic (Research)
Laurence Bowes
- School of Psychology - Research Assistant
- School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
Person: Doctoral Student (D00)
Jess Box
- School of Nursing and Midwifery - Lecturer (Adult Nursing/Mental Health)
Person: Academic (Teaching)
Dr Hannah Bradwell
- School of Nursing and Midwifery - Digital Health Research Fellow
Person: Academic (Research)
Dr Brynmor Breese
- School of Biomedical Sciences - Lecturer in Human Physiology (Education)
Person: Academic (Teaching)
Dr Nicola Brennan
- Peninsula Medical School - Associate Professor (Research) in Medical Education
Person: Academic (Research)
Eileen Bristow
- School of Nursing and Midwifery - Technician (Clinical Skills Resource Centre)
Person: Non-Academic
Dean Broadhurst
- School of Nursing and Midwifery - Lecturer - Mental Health Nursing
Person: Academic (Teaching)
Becalelis Brodskis
- Peninsula Dental School - Associate Research Fellow (AngST)
Person: Academic (Research)
Dr Zoe Brookes
- Peninsula Dental School - Associate Head of School - Teaching and Learning, Associate Professor of Dental Education and Research
Person: Academic (Research)
Alison Brown
- Peninsula Dental School - Research Fellow (Dental Hygiene Therapist)
Person: Academic (Research)