Sp(2N) Yang-Mills theories on the lattice: scale setting and topology—data release

  • Ed Bennett (Creator)
  • Deog Ki Hong (Creator)
  • Jong-Wan Lee (Creator)
  • C.-J. David Lin (Creator)
  • Biagio Lucini (Creator)
  • Maurizio Piai (Creator)
  • Davide Vadacchino (Creator)



This release contains all data and metadata used to prepare the publications Topological susceptibility in Yang-Mills theories and Sp(2N) Yang-Mills theories on the lattice: scale setting and topology. Included are: The raw log output from the Wilson flow computation, as well as metadata describing the ensembles used, in `raw_data.zip`. These include all numbers used in the publication (aside from fit parameters) in plaintext form. The archive contains a separate `README.md` describing the layout of the data. All numbers included in the above logs, restructured into HDF5 format for convenience, in `datapackage.h5`. The data presented in all tables in both papers, in CSV format, as described in more detail below. Further details are given in the file README.md.
Date made available21 Jun 2022

Data Monitor categories

  • topological susceptibility
  • lattice field theory
  • topological charge
  • symplectic group

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